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Reading Permissions

You use pekora read to get detailed information about the permissions a value represents.

$ pekora read 66061056

┃ Flag                 ┃ Name               ┃ Value    ┃
│ priority_speaker     │ Priority Speaker   │ 256      │
│ stream               │ Video              │ 512      │
│ connect              │ Connect            │ 1048576  │
│ speak                │ Speak              │ 2097152  │
│ mute_members         │ Mute Members       │ 4194304  │
│ deafen_members       │ Deafen Members     │ 8388608  │
│ move_members         │ Move Members       │ 16777216 │
│ use_voice_activation │ Use Voice Activity │ 33554432 │
                 Derived from: 66061056        

// Note: It will look prettier than this in your actual terminal.

Like pekora calc, pekora read accepts Discord permission flags, integer values, and Pekora permission groups.

pekora read's output is separated into three categories:

  • Flag: The name of the permission in the Discord API.
  • Name: The user-facing name of the permission.
  • Value: The integer value of the permission.

Filtering the output

Filtering multiple categories

You can pass multiple categories to --include or --exclude by specifying the respective option multiple times.

You can filter the output of pekora read with the --include and --exclude options. The --include option lets you specify what categories should be included, implicitly excluding everything else; the --exclude option lets you specify what categories should be excluded.

Both options take the same argument: one of flag, name, or value, based on the category you want to include or exclude.

Aliases and shorthands

You can use --with and --without in place of --include and --exclude, if you like.

Also, you can use -i as shorthand for --include/--with, and -e and -x as shorthand for --exclude/--without.


--include and --exclude aren't mutually exclusive, but if you pass the same category to both, --exclude will take precedence.

Using JSON

If tables aren't your thing, pekora read can alternatively produce its output as JSON. All you have to do is pass the --json option.

$ pekora read 66061056 --json

  "derived_from": 66061056,
  "permissions": [
      "flag": "priority_speaker",
      "name": "Priority Speaker",
      "value": "256"
      "flag": "stream",
      "name": "Video",
      "value": "512"
      "flag": "connect",
      "name": "Connect",
      "value": "1048576"
      "flag": "speak",
      "name": "Speak",
      "value": "2097152"


--include and --exclude work with JSON-formatted output, too.

Using calculations

You can use the output of pekora calc as input to pekora read.

$ pekora calc "embed_links + use_external_emojis" -r | pekora read -

┃ Flag            ┃ Name               ┃ Value  ┃
│ embed_links     │ Embed Links        │ 16384  │
│ external_emojis │ Use External Emoji │ 262144 │
              Derived from: 278528

pekora calc's -r, or --raw, option tells it to output its without any fancy formatting. The - argument to pekora read tells it to use the output of the previous command as its input.


pekora calc -r is mandatory when piping its output to pekora read.