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Pekora is a command-line calculator for Discord permission values. With it, you can calculate permission values, see detailed information about the permissions a value represents, and interactively build your own permissions.


Permissions are a way to limit and grant certain abilities to users in Discord. A set of base permissions can be configured at the guild level for different roles. When these roles are attached to users, they grant or revoke specific privileges within the guild.

Discord Developer Documentation

Behind the scenes, Discord represents sets of permissions as integers, which are equivalent to the sum of the integer values of the individual permissions they represent. For example, the value of read_messages is 1024, and the value of send_messages is 2048, so the value of a permission set containing read_messages and send_messages is:

\[ 1024 + 2048 = 3072 \]

Pekora provides a human-friendly interface to perform these calculations from the comfort of your terminal. Check out this quick example:

$ pekora calc "read_messages + send_messages"
<font color="#97C981">╭─ Result ───────────────────╮</font>
<font color="#97C981">│ <font color="#5CB8C2">3072</font>                       │</font>
<font color="#97C981">╰────────────────────────────╯</font>

If that sounds appealing, you'll be pleased to know that Pekora can do much, much, more.

What are you waiting for? Install Pekora today!